
September 2009 (Pilot): Introduction

Hello and welcome to the first ever edition of the Revora Magazine. It's a great honour to finally be able to say that, as this is a project that has been on and off over the years. Thanks to the dedication of a few people here at Revora, it is now a reality. You're probably wondering what this whole thing is about and it'd be a pretty good question. Keeping it simple, we are a representation of the wider community here at Revora. In this monthly online magazine, we will be highlighting the best project and mod related work going on out there, give you a greater insight into the minds of those keeping this place alive and hopefully have a little bit of fun along the way. I hope you'll take the time to read through the articles that we've put together for you and that they will keep you interested enough to check out our work in the following months as well.

This Month:

  • View From The Top - Revora staff members answering the important questions on Revora and beyond.
  • Spotlight - Shining a light upon two of the most progressive projects from the last month.
  • In Focus: Iceforge - Focusing on our latest addition to the Revora family.
  • The Document - Original storytelling from Azura's Servant.
  • Scarecrow - Original storytelling from Vortigern.
  • Revora Competition - Our monthly competition and your chance to win!

Thanks very much for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoy everything you see here and feel free to pass on your comments in our feedback forum.
